At Nurture Services, our clients are as diverse as the city itself. We serve new immigrant families, parents and kids struggling with divorce, seniors and their caregivers, women in abusive relationships, people with intellectual disabilities, the gay and lesbian community – just to name a few!

How We Care?
We offer a wide variety of programs and services to help people cope more effectively, feel better, improve relationships and strengthen their family life. Our counselors can help you work through a wide range of challenges.
Specialized services for separating, divorcing and remarrying families - We provide following;
- Individual and family counseling related to reducing parent conflict, creating co parenting relationships, supporting a child’s grief process, and fostering child-parent relationships
- Closed mediation of parenting plans
- Single session educational seminars covering a range of topics related to child adjustment and parental separation. divorce, and remarriage
- Counseling sessions for Individuals and Groups for couples dealing with remarriage and step parenting issues.
Our programs focus on practical strategies for coping with the challenges children up to 18 and parents face in their day-to-day lives when parents no longer live together. In addition to our programs for children and parents: We provide social work services to older people and caregivers. Our work includes counseling, group work, advocacy, training and educational sessions on a variety of topics such as aging and memory loss, anger and guilt, how to access community resources, abuse of older adults, etc. You can come to our office for counseling, attend support groups or educational seminars, talk to a trained counselor by telephone or, arrange for a home/community visit.
We provide counseling services for those facing issues such as:
- Dealing with chronic or degenerative illness
- Stress in family relationships
- Coping with a disability
- Bereavement
- Relationship
- Trauma
- Behavioral Issues
- Separation
- Addiction
- Bereavement
- The up rootlessness and difficulty of adapting to a new culture at an advanced age
- Caregiver stress
- Elder abuse
We also offer information and education sessions on a range of topics including:
- Family dynamics & Challenging behaviors
- Humor and joy in care giving
- Dealing with chronic illness & Long-range planning
- Making the "system" work for you
- Elder abuse
- Spirituality in care giving
- Long distance care giving & Talking with your doctor
- Stress management for caregivers
- Pr-retirement planning
- Aging and memory loss
- Positive aspects of aging & Coping with change and loss
- Anger and Guilt
- Community services